
Imports appointments for one or multiple users. The import file must not exceed 100,000 rows or 30 MB in size.

When importing for multiple users and the import only succeeds for a subset of the concerned users, the status code will be 200. In this case details can be found in the response body and will be sent via email.

Required URL parameters
modeEither Insert, UpdateOrInsert, or UpdateOrInsertOrDelete. Controls whether existing appointments will be updated or deleted if they are missing in the import file.
Required form parameters
fileThe file to import as form value of the POST. Supported file formats are xlsx, xls, ods, csv, simplecsv, or xlsxtable.
importConfigThe import configuration file as form value of the POST. More information
Optional URL parameters
languageRecommended. Language used for the import. More information
Email address or employee number of the user for whom to import appointments. Only one may be specified. If you want to import appointments for multiple users, omit both parameters and provide a user mapping in importConfig. If you provide one of these parameters and a user mapping, the parameter acts as a filter and only the rows of the user specified in the parameter are imported.
delimiterIf uploading a CSV, controls which character is used as delimiter. The default is automatic, supported values are commadelimited, semicolondelimited, tabdelimited, or automatic.
encodingNameIf uploading a CSV, sets the encoding used to interpret the data. The default is automatic. Some other popular choices are utf-8, utf-16, and Windows-1252.
Example usage with curl
curl -o result.txt -u admin_username:admin_password -F file=@appointments.xls -F importConfig=@appointments.importcfg ""

Caution: If using curl, don't forget the @-sign in front of the file names

Field Description

You can import the following fields for appointments. See importConfig for a description on how to create the import configuration file. For the sake of clarity the fields are grouped like in the UI import. The groups themselves are only for informational purposes and have no bearing on the import configuration file.

As you are not logged in, you don't see custom fields of your organization.

Refreshing offline data